
Modern living imposes stresses and strains on all of us – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Learn how to break free from the confines of a potentially damaging lifestyle, and discover how, with a little effort and by focusing on ways of looking after yourself better, you can increase your vitality, find serenity and get the best out of every day.

Yoga can help you to improve your physical health, tone your muscles and internal organs, relieve inner tension, reduce weight and strengthen your bones.  But it not only works on your body, it also guides you towards relaxation and shows you how to become more balanced, centered, and calm.

It is whole-life philosophy that teaches that attaining control over the body is the key to controlling the mind.  Mastering the art of relaxation and learning how to breathe “properly” are two of the most important aspects of yoga.  Once you have mastered these skills, you will experience a positive, healthy outlook on life.

If you are inspired by these blog posts about yoga, it could become the first step towards the liberating journey of self-realization.  Many people find that they choose yoga as a fitness program to increase their flexibility and improve their muscle tone, but also gain a great deal from the philosophy behind it.

The benefits of yoga far surpass a simple physical fitness routine.  The mind and body are linked and it could be said that if the body is out of alignment, the mind cannot be in control.

Stretching, purifying, and healing the body bring balance and harmony to the mind, thus creating health, happiness, and fulfillment.  It is important to learn to let go of the negative conditioning of the past in order to become more conscious of how the emotional content of the thoughts you have today will determine your future reality.

So what begins as a simple quest for a fitness program can lead to a greater understanding of ‘where I am coming from and a much healthier lifestyle.

The true meaning of self-realization may take years to achieve, but yoga will shape your present and create a positive future along the way – it’s a fascinating journey.

As we spiral off into the ‘New Age of Aquarius’, the energy around us is beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency.  Time is speeding up and we need to find a way to calm down and slow down.

There is unrest and turmoil in all parts of our planet and there has never been a more urgent need for us to restore the balance of nature and heal ourselves.

On a more ‘down-to-earth’ level, yoga is an easy, undemanding, and enjoyable way of becoming healthier and stronger.

Yoga is generally thought of in the West as a means of gaining a sense of physical and mental well-being.  In addition, it can have a beneficial effect on a variety of medical conditions, such as high blood pressure.  By allocating time every day to a sequence of yoga postures, you can help to purge the mind and body and achieve a state of deep relaxation.  This can result in greater self-esteem because you will have a sense of achievement and inner calm that will help to dispel the worries of the day.

Yoga has been practiced in India for thousands of years, and the stunning beauty of the place makes it a fitting setting for this life-enhancing practice.

The deep breathing and physical exercise required for yoga will help you to deal with a raft of complaints, such as pain of the joints and muscles, anxiety, stress, postural problems, and bowel tone and function problems.

All that is needed is a willingness to commit yourself to positive change and to allow the many powerful benefits to start working through you.

When you start out on a program of yoga you will discover a range of benefits:

  • More balanced emotions.
  • A greater level of fitness.
  • Clearer thoughts.
  • Improved inner calm.
  • A positive, healthy outlook on life.

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