Three steps to Warming Up before doing Yoga!

Before beginning any yoga program, it is important to ease yourself into it by warming up the muscles and loosening the joints before moving onto the asanas.

Warming up with Neck Rolls

Warming up with Neck Rolls

For this exercise, you should sit cross-legged, with your back straight but relaxed.  Rotating the neck slowly will help to release blocked energy in the neck, shoulders and upper back.  Take care to work through the exercise slowly and gently, and stop if you feel any pain.

  1. Hang your head forwards so that your chin rests on your chest for a few moments. Then, slowly drop your head back as far as you comfortably can and feel the stretch. Repeat this 5-6 times.
  2. Now, take your right ear down to your right shoulder. Hold for a few moments. Bring your head back to the centre, then take your left ear down to your left shoulder.  Return to the centre.  Repeat on both sides.
  3. Turn your head slowly to look over your right shoulder. Look back as far as possible. Return to the centre and then turn your head to look over your left shoulder.  Repeat this stretch 5-6 times.
  4. Drop your chin to your chest and then slowly rotate your head in a clockwise direction 2-3 times. Bring your head back to the centre and then gently rotate it anti-clockwise 2-3 times.

Warming up with Shoulder Rolls

Warming up with Shoulder Rotation

  1. Sit cross-legged on the floor. Place both of your hands gently on your shoulders with your elbows pointing downwards.
  2. Inhale and slowly rotate your arms backwards, trying to close up your shoulder blades as you do this. Go only as far as it feels comfortable.
  3. Exhale and bring your arms forward, making big rotations with your elbows. Repeat the movement eight times.



Warming up with Leg StretchesWarming up with Leg Stretches

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, heels together.
  2. Gently bed the right knee and bring your arms forward (without tensing the shoulders). Take hold of your toes with both of your hands.
  3. Straighten the leg and raise it up as far as possible. Bend the leg, relax and repeat. Change legs and repeat twice.

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