
In yoga, the word asana means ‘posture’.  The movements are gentle and take into account the entire being.  They form part of a psycho-physical system intended to awaken individuals to the experience of their full potential.  Performed regularly, the postures have a profound effect in freeing a person from fear and conditioning.

Asanas are performed slowly and meditatively using deep abdominal breathing.  They are designed to make the body strong enough to hold the positions for a sufficient period of time without discomfort.  The real work occurs when you are holding the pose.  The idea is to keep still while the position is maintained, to breathe consciously into the pose, and to focus your attention on the rhythmic sound of your breathing.  Body and mind will then naturally move into stillness and equilibrium.  Once you are comfortable in a position, you can take yourself in deeper by stretching just a little further.

It has been said that there are as many yoga postures as there are creatures in the world, but of course, it is only practical for us to concentrate on a few.  Not only does the practice of yoga require you to mould your body into a particular pose (many of them mimic animals), it also asks you to identify with the qualities of the pose you are performing.  So for example, when you are performing the cat posture, you should feel yourself possessing the qualities of a cat as you move into the exercise; try to feel as you as you imagine a cat would feel; feel the arch of your back and the stretch of your spine.

Paying concious attention to your breathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.


Benefits of asanas

The various postures of a basic yoga session will stretch, strengthen and tone every muscle in the body, and there are many other benefits to be gained from the practice of asanas.  Some postures will work on a particular organ of the body, while others will help regulate the endocrine system.  The twisting, bending and stretching movements increase flexibility of the muscle and joints as well as massaging the internal organs and glands.  They also improve the circulation, ensuring that a rich supply of nutrients and oxygen reaches all the cells of the body.  The most important work of the yoga asanas, however, is in strengthening and purifying the nervous system, especially the spinal cord and spinal nerves, because these correspond to the channels for prana in the astral body.  The increase of pranic energy will help to awaken the spiritual potential.

The loss of vitality and the ill-health we suffer are caused by the running down of the body systems due to neglect, under-stimulation, laziness and unhealthy lifestyle.

The power of the mind

Before entering into a posture, visualize yourself performing it perfectly.  Then, with focus and control, move into the pose.

Regular practice of the asanas will promote a state of mental well-being and physical health.  The techniques are designed to maximize vitality and youthfulness, reduce stress, depression, and hypertension, improve concentration and help balance emotions.

When you start practicing yoga, it will be the physical experience that will affect you.  As you gradually develop and progress, you will begin to experience the sensation of pranic energy as it starts to flow more freely through the channels.



Start at the beginning, breathe slowly and allow yourself to build on the small, gradual changes you will notice as you persevere with your program.

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