From the unknown to the known

The Universal Mind choreographs everything that is happening with ultimate intelligence.  It permeates every fiber of existence, and everything that is alive is an expression of this intelligence.  Our bodies and all we perceive is the transformation of this consciousness from the unknown and invisible into the known and visible.

The process of creation is how Divinity expresses itself.  The physical universe is pure consciousness (energy) in motion.  When we see that our true nature is universal intelligence expressing itself, we begin to realize the unlimited potential of who and what we are..

What is Prana?

Prana is the subtle force that animates all manifestations of creation.  We extract this ‘life current’ from the oxygen we breathe and it then circulates throughout the body.  By practicing yoga, more prana is obtained and stored and one feels a greater connection to the ‘oneness of all things’.


The chakras and the nadis

According to the yogic sages, our physical body is encircled and interpenetrated by a subtle, astral body.  Just as a physical body has nerves, the astral body has its counterparts, the nadis.  There are 72,000 nadis – the sushumna, ida and pingala are most important.

The sushumna nadi corresponds to the spinal column; the ida nadi rises from the base of the spine through the trunk and ends in the left nostril; the pingala nadi rises from the base of the spine and ends in the right nostril.  The ida and pingala nadis are said to crisscross as they rise and the points at which they cross over are where the chakras are located.

The seven chakras are storehouses for prana which links the physical and astral bodies.

The seven chakras of the astral body

There are seven main chakras (wheels of energy) in the astral body and many nadis come together here.  Six chakras are found along the sushumna, which follows the spinal columns, and the seventh is found at the crown.  Chakras store prana; the energy becomes finer as it moves up from the base of the chakras to the crown.


Sahasrara or crown chakra

The crown chakra absorbs the violet rays and is the spiritual center where true wisdom and understanding reside.  Opening this chakra through meditation practices can – after much time and effort – lead to the ultimate goals of self-realization and enlightenment.

Ajna or brow chakra

The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows at the point known as the ‘third eye’.  It is associated with the color indigo and it is in this chakra that conscious and unconscious knowledge meet.  Opening the third eye and allowing universal energy to flow freely through it will put you in touch with your innate intuitive and psychic powers.

Vishuddha or throat chakra

The fifth chakra, situated at the base of the skull, is linked to the glandular system and to expression.  Blocked energy in this area creates difficulties with communication.

Manipura or solar plexus chakra

The third chakra, in the solar plexus area, draws in the yellow-ray.  It has to do with how we create balance within ourselves.  Since it related to the digestive system, it is an important center for healing and the main store for prana.

Swadhistana or sexual chakra

This chakra is located just behind the genitals.  It absorbs the orange-ray and is concerned with our passions and sexuality.  When we allow energy to flow freely here, this area of our lives will be positive.  However, blocked energy can result in sexual or reproductive problems.

Muladhara or root chakra

At the base of the spine, this chakra draws in the red ray.  It is concerned without the ability to survive and adapt and gives us stability.  Too much or too little energy here can block us and make us afraid of change.

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